Leadership Team
The HopeLink Leadership Team brings deep experience, compassion, and creativity to guide best practices and next steps for the organization. Our senior managers provide guidance and input to the CEO. Together, we oversee all operations, assess outcomes, develop and implement policies, and share information to advance organizational objectives.

Board of Directors

Linda Lang, MD - Chair
Medical Director Behavioral Health, Vice Chief Hospital Divisions, VHC
It is a privilege to serve on the Board of HopeLink. It takes courage and empathy to devote one’s life to improving mental health services for our communities and HopeLink exemplifies this in every way. HopeLink understands what is needed to transform the lives of individuals coping with mental health challenges and offers unique opportunities through innovative programs. As a board-certified psychiatrist for over 30 years, I am honored to work beside the HopeLink team to share knowledge and experience in caring for vulnerable populations in support of the mission.

Kate Robbins - Vice Chair
Parent & Advocate
After being involved with HopeLink as a chatline volunteer for two years, I am excited to continue to stay involved with this incredible organization by serving on the Board of Directors. I am a fierce proponent of destigmatizing mental health struggles and getting the right kind of help to those who need it. I look forward to the opportunity to work with the other directors to support HopeLink in every way that we can — and to help this vital organization continue to thrive.

Melissa Garcia - Secretary
Division Director, VHC Health
As a LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker) in our community for the last 15 years, I have found that one of the most important roles is serving our community and making a difference in people’s lives through meaningful connections and support. I support HopeLink because of its solid programs providing support, hope, resilience, and an opportunity for connection to people experiencing mental illness, their families, and/or loved ones. Serving on the Board, I will bring my personal and professional perspectives and perpetuate a message of hope and possibility in the face of reducing stigma and providing access to this vital service.

Robert D. Sturm - Immediate Past Chair
Managing Director, Truist Wealth
I was interested in working with HopeLink after my family navigated the services of a myriad of mental health service providers and agencies. I have since volunteered with a number of nonprofits in the mental health field; it is a privilege to serve on the board and have the opportunity to help others.

Len Wolf
Principal, The Wolf Group, P.C.
I have always held the strong conviction that by overcoming certain barriers to access, people suffering from mental health challenges can make great strides in their recovery. It is with this sense of hope and optimism that I serve on the HopeLink Board. I am privileged to serve this highly effective organization and make a small contribution towards achieving its benevolent mission. The services it offers are invaluable to so many.

Paul Di Vito
Marketing Consultant
As a long-term advocate for mental health, I’ve served on a number of mental health agency boards. I was especially active and championed CrisisLink [or Crisis Services] for nearly 12 years, serving as Board Chair for four terms and as interim ED. Serving on the HopeLink Board was like returning home. I’m especially interested in the combined organization and helping it grow in importance and services provided in the D.C. region.

Joyce Connery, MALD, MSW
Chair, Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
As an active member of the Northern Virginia community, I am thrilled to be able to serve on the HopeLink Board. In preparation for my post-government career, I have recently obtained a master’s in social work and participated in a two-year clinical practicum with court-involved youth in the area, many of whom were also dealing with substance use disorders and mental health challenges, both diagnosed and undiagnosed. I am keenly interested in the work that HopeLink does to provide strength-based, trauma-informed services for youth who are struggling and support for crisis services that help avoid tragedy. I am looking forward to becoming more involved and contributing where I can!

Ginger Cooch
Accenture, LLC
I am honored to serve on the Board of HopeLink Behavioral Health. I have first-hand experience with young teens with mental health challenges and how difficult it is to navigate the network of providers and services. I am interested in contributing to a better community system of mental health services through awareness and improving options available to families and teens. I have had a 25+ year career in the professional services and sales industry, and I look forward to bringing my skills and network to assist HopeLink in achieving its mission. I live in Fairfax with my husband, two children, three dogs, and two cats. You will find me in my garden in my spare time, waging the war on the weeds and trying to get flowers and vegetables to grow!

Danni Leifer
Lead Test Analyst, Millennium Corporation
I am honored to be a part of this organization to help bring awareness to the HopeLink mission. HopeLink gives so much to those they serve: independent living and working skills, confidence, and hope. Mental illness can be just as crippling as physical illness, but it often carries a stigma or judgment from others. As a board member, I am enthusiastic about helping people who have a mental illness to lead productive, empowered lives.

Paul McQuillan
Chief Growth and Strategy Officer, Omni Federal
As a member of the Board of Governors for USO, including Chairman of the Advisory Board and board member for 20+ years with USO Metropolitan Washington – Baltimore, I recognize that the HopeLink mission to provide behavioral health, crisis intervention, and suicide intervention is so important. That’s especially true with our military veterans. Serving on the HopeLink board allows me to support an organization that both improves and saves lives on a daily basis.

Brian Meadows
Partner, The Alliance Group
I am interested in serving as a Board Member for HopeLink because I believe in the programs and services that the organization provides to the greater Washington area. I believe that all organizations need a diverse Board that can help them navigate their path and help them think strategically about how to address the challenges ahead. I also view this as an opportunity to learn and grow by surrounding myself with like-minded individuals who are all focused on a common objective.
Board service at HopeLink allows me to honor my brother’s memory and dive into an organization that helps a community with similar challenges to what he dealt with coming out of the military. It also gives me a sense of overall community and the ability to align myself with a mission-driven organization.

Holly Monday
Voya Financial
I am passionate about raising awareness and training on mental health conversations. My husband and I are founding members and officers of the Eric Monday Foundation, whose mission is to take down the stigma surrounding mental health conversations and awareness within the coaching community and parents. I am very proud to serve on the HopeLink Board and will be focused on supporting the organization through the development of corporate partnerships and fundraising. I live in Vienna, VA with my husband Brian, our son, three dogs, and one cat.

Joshua Montgomery
Chief Financial Officer, ITC Federal
Serving on the board of HopeLink is one way that I can “give back” and use my skills to help this organization, as it does so much to support this very important mission. This mission, along with the awareness of behavioral and mental health, is even more important in this current environment. I am honored to be associated with such a great organization.

Lauren Shields
Financial Advisor, Pinnacle Financial Partners
I am honored to be serving on the HopeLink Board. I’m committed to working hard to help support and find ways to expand the important mental health and crisis services that we are currently providing to individuals in our community, as it is through these services that we can help our community grow and thrive.

Traci Slivinski
Senior Director, IT PMO, Deltek
Serving on the HopeLink Board of Directors will allow me to actualize my commitment that self-care is as much mental as it is physical and spiritual. HopeLink is affording me a way to actualize the loss of my brother and create a positive outcome from a tragic mental health event, as well as to influence the encouragement to talk about mental health freely. I am honored to be able to assist HopeLink with my talent, time, and resources over these next several years. It is an exciting time in the HopeLink organization, and I hope that I can contribute to the passion and leadership that is in abundance on the board.