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Youth & Young Adult Services

Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS)

Preparing Now for a Meaningful Career

HopeLink is an approved Department for Aging and Rehabilitation Services (DARS) provider of Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS). Available to high school students with disabilities, their families, schools, and community service providers, Pre-ETS support students and youth between the ages of 14 – 24 to plan and prepare for careers.


Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS)


High school students and youth ages 14 – 24 who have disabilities


Individualized early career planning and preparation

More Information:

Savannah Wilkinson

Program Manager, Employment Services

Whether you are still in high school or recently out of school, this service can help you get an early start on exploring careers and preparing to transition to adulthood. Your personalized services are designed to address the goals you have and provide the support you need, based on your life experiences, any mental illness and how it affects you, your work history (if any), and your skills and strengths today.

Through our Pre-ETS services, you can learn the information you need to make decisions about your future – and build skills to help you pursue a career.

Topics covered through Pre-ETS include:

    • Career exploration
    • Work-based learning experiences
    • Learning about after-high school education and training programs
    • Workplace readiness training
    • Social and independent living skills to help prepare for adult life
    • Learning to communicate your needs and advocate for yourself

If this sounds like the program for you or someone you know, submit a referral to get started.


Individuals may be referred to us in several ways, including through:

    • Mental health provider (i.e., therapist, case manager, psychiatrist, residential counselor, etc.)
    • Rehabilitation Counselor from the Department of Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS)
    • Family member or friend
    • Self-referral

Referrals should be directed to the Regional Director of Supported Employment as listed below.

Referrals from mental health providers or DARS Counselors should include a HopeLink written referral form, with documentation of diagnosis and medications.

For More Information

Mail, fax, or secure email the referral form to, or call with questions:

Savannah Wilkinson

Assistant Clinical Director

HopeLink Mt. Vernon
8794-S Sacramento Drive
Alexandria, VA 22309
Phone: (703) 223-1975
Fax: (703) 448-3723


There is no cost for students with disabilities referred through DARS

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