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  5. PRS’ #CallTextLive Suicide Prevention Campaign Raises Awareness by Engaging and Educating Public


PRS’ #CallTextLive Suicide Prevention Campaign Raises Awareness by Engaging and Educating Public

OAKTON, VA (September 10, 2022)PRS, a nonprofit that operates the crisis call center for most of Virginia—including Northern Virginia—and is a national back-up center and core chat center for the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, is promoting its 8th annual #CallTextLive Campaign with activities throughout September’s Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month. As a serious issue that has been exacerbated by the pandemic, more than 12 million people have serious thoughts of suicide each year and suicide is the second leading cause of death among people aged 10-34.

“One of the biggest ways each of us can help is to make sure our family and friends know there is a quick way to connect: 988, the new national suicide and crisis number to link people with suicide prevention and mental health crisis counselors.  By participating in #CallTextLive social media, activities and events, people can find simple ways help,” explained Joseph Getch, CEO, PRS.

The campaign provides information and activities that contribute to a suicide safer community by educating the public about improving mental wellness and talking openly about suicide and pain to help reduce the stigma and increase help seeking. It also educates family and friends about what services and supports are available to them—with special emphasis this year on educating the public about the new 988 number.

Throughout September, the public can make a difference by participating in PRS’s #CallTextLive campaign. Campaign elements include information designed to support populations at a higher risk for suicide; facts and data to increase understanding of suicide; resources about identifying when someone is in crisis; and invitations to PRS supported events. Social media is an important part of the campaign and is used to engage people in sharing stories and photos on PRS Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using the #CallTextLive hashtag. By visiting PRS’ website at www.prsinc.org/calltextlive, people can discover how to participate in the #CallTextLive Campaign.

A call to a crisis hotline – 988, text to 988, or sending a chat via 988lifeline.org/chat can save a life. If someone in crisis reaches out, PRS trained crisis workers evaluate their call, help deescalate the crisis when possible, and work collaboratively with local resources to connect individuals to appropriate services. In addition to operating as a crisis call center, PRS provides an array of behavioral health services.  www.prsinc.org.


HopeLink Media Contacts

Joseph Getch

Chief Executive Officer

Lauren Padgett, BA, CVA

Director of Resource Development

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